Monday, February 28, 2011

Feeling Loved

Sometimes it's hard to admit but my primary love language is Gift Giving. As materialistic as that can sound, it's the act of someone thinking about me ahead of time and making whatever sacrifice it was to give me a gift. I understand the value of money, time and effort so when I'm the recipient of a gift - I truly feel the depth of that person's love. It goes both ways, I love to gift others with things too because I know that they are worth whatever the cost is to me.

In the past month, I've been so blessed by a handful of my closest friends and family members. They've joyfully and excitedly given me some precious gifts. I keep them on a little dresser in our guest room and walk past it many times a day. It serves as an Ebenezer to remind me of God's goodness and faithfulness in our lives. He's given us what we asked for the most and is letting us thrive in that joy.

Jenny, Rebekah, Amanda and Mallory all blessed me with helpful motherhood gifts like books and belly bands and sandwhich containers. I love and cherish them all!

Then Jen rocked my world:
And Momma gave me a beautiful nursing cover from the cutest little shop:
And Ashleigh prepared me for a girl OR a boy:
And Heather thought of practical ways to quiet down a fussy baby: (I'm teasing Heather, I LOVE them so much!)
And on Friday I received a box in the mail from one of my aunts with 9 individually wrapped packages - one for each month of pregnancy! Seriously, my cup overfloweth with love. Thank you so much loved ones! You've got to understand how much this means to me.


Megan said...

I realize that I don't proof read or spell check when I blog...if you're looking for great grammar don't come here. :) But thanks to all 120 of you who read my post and didn't say anything about it. I'm embarrassed, I went to UVA - I should be better.

Jen Stokes said...

Awww. You make me smile!