Friday, August 19, 2011

I'm getting bigger

Bigger, that's my diagnosis after each doctor's appointment. It's so hard to cling to your patience in the last 17 (!!!) days. I'm not dilated at all - which seems discouraging but then I tell myself that you don't have to have dilated to go into labor. I'm sitting at 80% effaced and her head is way, way down low. So that's good news. She's been a very good girl and been in the head down position for months and months and now she's making her presence very known. My doctor told me to simply pray and tell God that I want her to come before her due date so that I have more than 3 weeks of recovery with her before the craziness begins. So I will pray. And if you're reading this pray with me too. It's doubtful that she'll come before September so I have some time to wait. And get bigger.

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