Thursday, August 11, 2011

Home Stretch

Crib is empty and waiting! Car seat is installed in the car and was inspected by a kind fireman. Bags are sort of packed for the hospital. Nursery is close to being ready. Things are looking good!

I've got a few odds and ends like video tapes, snacks, and certain medicines that I still need to get but for the most part we've done our jobs. I still need somewhere for the baby to sleep when we bring her home from the hospital - don't have a bassinet or pack n' play - but if it gets down to the wire, I think my parents still have Brianna's old pack n' play.

I really can't wrap my mind around being in the last month and the fact that she could come any time now. I'm not itching to get her out of me like people assume. I feel good in general, don't walk like a pregnant lady (thank you Brett!!!), and can breathe easily because she's dropped. Oh what a mentally and emotionally weird month this will be!


brett baker said...

hahahahahahahaha! well, you don't! i've never understood the waddling thing. you carry carmen with such poise and grace!

Heather and Matt said...

So sweet :) What a good friend!