Thursday, August 20, 2009

Keep all your toes

I was in the salon today and the woman working there was telling me that there's a lady who, more than once, has come in for a pedicure but due to diabetes she has lost a few toes. (I didn't know that was a side effect.) But because of that she asks for a discount on her pedicure!!!! I started cracking up. Not at the loss of her toes but at the thought of a discounted pedicure for 7 toes instead of 10! I can understand a discount if you're missing a whole leg, but come on, a pedicure is for the whole foot not just the toes. Hysterical.


Jaime said...

That's a gutsy woman! She should be paying EXTRA if you ask me. The horror for those poor Asians.

Lisa said...

oh my goodness may...I laughed for about 2 whole minutes when I read this! :) too funny