Thursday, May 28, 2009


Today a random rain storm blew threw our town. In a moment, the heavens seemed to open up and let it's rain pour out. The drops were heavy and beautiful. They looked like flood waters rushing down. I was at work, walking kindergartners through the hallway during the densest part of the downpour. The rain sounded as a roaring drum roll on our one story building. Each child stared out the doors and windows at the rain as we passed by. Their other teacher, leading the way, scolded "Come on, you've all seen rain before! Keep walking!" But I couldn't stop looking at it either. Yes, I have seen rain. I have played in heavy summer rains. I have wished away many a rainstorm. But today I couldn't stop looking at it. The rain was beautiful. I was mesmerized by the magnitude of water falling on the ground. The big drops of water were so pure and mighty. I felt like a child staring out into the courtyard. But I realized that it was OK. I have the heart of a child. I see simple things that God has created and I wonder at them. God gives us those moments of beauty where He wants us to marvel at His creation like a small child. It's simple and complex at the same time. God is glorified through it all.


Jaime said...

I'm glad Glory showed up for you, sister...Probably because you resemble Faith Hill in that music video "cry". Very pregnant girl was trying to get in and out of Lowes with all manner of returns when the monsoon hit. My roots sure looked nice with the melt down, let me tell you. 6 days till Stuarts Draft and I'm looking like a drowned RAT!!

Bek said...

I love this post! I am going to re read it multiple times :)

Anonymous said...

that was so sweet.... well said.

Anonymous said...

I love having the heart of a child too. It makes getting through life so much sweeter!