Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring Cleaning

I'm in need of a little homemaker sympathy. The other night Michael and I discussed what to do with a broken "shower bow." Michael received this shower bow for Christmas. It is designed to create more elbow room by somehow pushing out your shower curtain. The problem you never knew you had. Anyhow, it broke well before we even got it up and functioning. No problem - my father-in-law gave us his old broken shower bow in hopes that they would be broken in different places. Unfortunately, they broke in the exact same spot. Here we are three full months later and this thing is just sitting around our bedroom. Not one but two and the pieces aren't even in their boxes.

What's my solution? Throw them away right? In my opinion, they are never going to work. But my sweet, tender-hearted husband doesn't want to ever have to tell his father that we "threw it away." I completely understand (which is why I suggested we tell his father first). But Michael's response to my frustrated comment, "If we're not going to throw it away, what will we do with it," was in all honesty and sincerity "We will put it to the side and never do anything with it."

Shock. I was in shock. Speechless. 1) Did he hear what he just said? 2)In our small apartment, there is no place to "put it to the side." 3) "...never do anything with it." Need I say more...

So my question to you all is, what do we do? Should I have more compassion on him and let him keep it somewhere, never ever to be used or should we pitch it? I am in no way complaining about my wonderful husband. I love him so much, especially his tender heart. But come on y'all....a shower bow?


Bek said...

trash it. it's designed to SAVE room, not take it up.

And you can visit now. or tomorrow. or soon thereafter.

mallory said...

I'm with you, clutter is an enemy of a peaceful home! I would chuck it. However, if your hubs feels strongly about keeping might need to submit to the BOW :)

Anonymous said...

THROW IT; it will soon be forgotten.

Sarah said...

this made me laugh, because I feel like I'd be doing the exact same thing as Michael in this situation, irrational as it is.