Monday, July 18, 2011

Pillow Kingdom

Pregnancy sleep during the night is still considered successful in my terms. Of course, I wake up twice to go to the bathroom but it's very easy to fall back asleep. I love sleep.

For Michael, the story might be different. I'm not allowed to sleep on my back anymore. Back lying is the only way I've ever slept. This "sleep on your left side" deal has been difficult to adjust to - for both of us. I started out with one large pillow between my legs to aid in keeping me there. I constantly rolled back to my back each night so I added a pillow to wrap my arms around and help counteract gravity pulling on my belly. Still not enough. Next I added our huge decorative pillow to my backside and wedged it between Michael and me. I sleep surrounded by 4 huge pillows. We have a queen bed although now it's more like I have a double mattress and Michael has a park bench to sleep on. I feel so bad for him. He doesn't complain a bit though because he knows it's for the good of our baby. Our sleeping arrangement is so different these days. Normally, we are big snugglers and sleep close together all night long. We probably could fit on a twin mattress. Not only is Michael now confined to a thin strip of the bed but he's also pushed far away from me thanks to my pillow fortress. We don't like it but we know that it's only for a little while longer. Then we can cuddle all we want for our 2 hours of sleep per night with a newborn.

I've been resisting buying those pregnancy pillows that weave around your whole body. Everyone I know swears by them and I'm sure it would be life altering. But honestly, I don't want to spend $75 on it right now. I have nearly 7 weeks left and have made it this far. My friend just told me I could use hers and I think I might need to go get it. 4 pillows is a little ridiculous.


Michelle said...

Haha I love this. Our sleeping arrangement has changed somewhat too because I have one of the massive pregnancy pillows. I love it! I would recommend it for Daubert Baby #2 in the future :)

Jessica said...

I felt the same way when I was pregnant with Emily. I ended up caving and got one from Buy Buy Baby about a month ago with a 20% off coupon. It cost me $40. Its made by boppy and can also be used post pregnancy for support (in the event of a c-section) and for general use (reading in bed, breastfeeding, etc). I love it and it keeps me from rolling onto my back at night and helps with general support.