Wednesday, July 20, 2011

More days like this please

Sunday was such a sweet day. Michael and I did our usual church routine - left the house at 6:30am stayed at church until 1:15pm - but made a point to go out to lunch with some friends. We had a great time getting to know these new friends a little better (and are really excited to spend more time with them). We didn't have anything planned for the rest of the day which was a totally glorious feeling and so unusual for the two of us!

On the way home, Michael suggested we make a special detour for milkshakes. I loved the idea. We took our incredibly delicious shakes home and rested for a little while on the couch. I took a little nap and Michael watched the rest of the women's soccer game. As the game finished, we leisurely decided to watch 2 episodes on netflix of the TV series we're in the middle of. The day had cooled down a bit more by the time we were done watching TV so we threw on our bathing suits and headed out to our community pool. Michael suggested we walk (I think he's trying to get me to exercise more) but it was a great idea. The pool is super close by car, but on foot it's just far enough for an 8 month pregnant lady to feel like she's exercised for a week. It felt good honestly. The walk was so enjoyable because it was just the two of us and we chatted the whole way about the baby. We got to the pool and hopped right in. It was cool and refreshing and I felt as light as a feather. We stayed in for about 45 minutes then Michael ordered us a "pool special" pizza and we sat out on the lawn chairs waiting for our poolside dinner. After we finished, we walked back home as the sun was setting. More special conversation followed by a shower and a bubble bath then off to bed.

We don't do things like this normally. We don't watch TV and we certainly don't have free days like this with no structure. It was beautiful. I was so blessed by Michael's intentional choices to spend time together and enjoy ourselves. We are trying to slow down a little bit before the baby girl comes so that we can have more precious days like this.

1 comment:

mallory said...

That sounds amazing! I'd like some more days like that too! Unfortunately, I don't think they are in my near future : )