Thursday, November 18, 2010

My mom, my sister and Santa

Got an email from my mom this morning and here's what it said:

"I don't remember the details from when my first three children first realized there is no real Santa...I think they figured it out based on what they heard from other children and television. Somehow they survived the realization all children have to go through one time or other, if their parents allowed them to believe in Santa.

I think it is amazing that she has reached 8 and a half years of age, in the third grade, and still believes! But in my older, wiser age I decided to be pro-active and be the one to talk to Brianna about Santa. What made me come to this conclusion you might ask? Well, it has a lot to do with the fact that she is in public school and surrounded by children who seem to say whatever comes to their head at the moment, blurting things out whether they might be hurtful, true or false. It seems very few children are taught basic manners these days. So rather than allow one of them to discover that Brianna still believed in Santa, and risk their teasing of her, and her possible embarrassment, or sadness at school over the news, I decided to have a talk one night this week.

As she entered my bedroom and I invited her to come join me on the bed for a talk, she was wary right away! I quickly reassured her nothing was wrong. I started talking about Santa and she soon admitted that she believed in Santa about "23 percent". I finally got around to the truth, which she seemed to accept quite well. When I told her that some children get little or no gifts at Christmas because there really isn't a Santa (and after all, wouldn't Santa be fair to everyone if he was real?), the idea of some children getting nothing, is what made her cry; not the fact that Santa was pretend, but the fact that some children aren't as blessed as her at Christmas, is what made her compassionate heart cry. This blessed me the most. Even though my daughter is very blessed, and some would add spoiled, she still cares more about other children. This gives me hope that we are teaching our daughter the right things. I eagerly move into the Christmas season, looking for opportunities for Brianna to bless and minister to those less fortunate."

Don't I have the cutest little sister and nicest mom?


Heather said...

Yesterday when I got that email from mom, i thought to myself "if i had a blog i would blog about this." Looks like you beat me to it. Bri is so cute. I'm sad she no longer believes though :( Although, i'm pretty sure that last year she played along with us just so that we wouldn't be crushed if she admitted she didn't believe haha.

Michelle said...

I love it, Your sister is so precious :)