Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chocolate Covered Peanuts

We love our place but it really is too small for us. There is not room for everything we have. Currently there are 4 extra pieces of furniture in our master bedroom. That's not healthy. But these white boards are not healthy either. Michael was suppose to take them into his classroom and cut them up 2 years ago. They are still in the house:

The white boards even tried to communicate with us:

While I was cleaning out the second bedroom for our much awaited house guests (!!!), I saw this poor pink bear held hostage by the cruel blue car:

I am eating some delicious chocolate covered peanuts right now and I am guilt-free!


Bek said...

HAHAHA... what a mean car. What smart white boards. What a fabulous snack!

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

Who are your house guests???
I love chocolate covered peanuts. I wish I could have been there eating them with you.

*I misspelled "you" before and had to start over.

mallory said...

You crack me up! Can't wait to see you this weekend! Parks keeps asking "Is today the day I get to see Le-a??"

Jaime said...

I feel no pity for that bear. Read my latest.