Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rather than talk to myself...

So here I am, Wednesday morning October 21st. Alone in my kitchen. I'm not hungry, so I am not eating breakfast. I have to go watch Poland here soon. But I'm waiting till the last little bit of orange juice makes it's way down. I keep thinking to myself, "is it Christmas yet?" I just want to decorate and shop for gifts. I have tons of ideas for Christmas parties. But I don't have the house for it. So these ideas will have to fester for many years in my brain.

I also keep thinking that everyone is getting pregnant. I don't like to follow trends. Except in boots. I like to blaze my own trail. Does that make sense? Not sure because I don't feel like I've blazed very well.

Our cousin, Cathleen, is getting married soon in NC. We'll all be truckin' it down there for a nice rehearsal, wedding, and after brunch! I'm really excited but I'll be wearing the same dress I've worn to oh so many weddings. I'm just recycling and being a good steward of things.

I don't like it when Michael's not here. I think loneliness is the worst feeling in the world. Maybe that's why I talk to myself and pretend there's an audience. Ashleigh told me I've been doing that my whole life. Yikes. I really had no idea. Maybe if someone asked me to be a backup dancer in their music video I wouldn't have these issues.

Oops. It's 8:30 time to hit the road to Poland. Be back in a few!


Anonymous said...

Meggy.... I love my vacation, but I cry every day when Pat gets home because I realize how much I miss him during the day! I get really sad when I'm by myself, you know that about me to! And if it makes you feel better... I talk to myself too. Oh, and I also do really dumb things - like drive all the way to Warrenton just to get Gusto. Haha. One day, when we have kids, we're going to wish we just had this kind of time alone! And then.... we'll send them to their rooms so we can dance to all the music videos on VH1.

N said...

I'm so ready for Christmas too!!!! I've been whining to Nikki about it for the last two weeks.