Saturday, June 6, 2009

Blog from my Mom

My mom sent out this email to a bunch of her girl friends and daughters the other day. She was retelling an interaction that  she had between some man and herself. These types of things always happen to my mom:

"I have an acquaintance at my local Shoppers Food Warehouse named Chris.  Chris is a developmentally delayed young man who I've come to know by first name, and I always try to give him a cheerful Frannie greeting when I see him. (For my birthday group girls, Frannie is my mom, a.k.a. Frances).   Well today as I headed across the parking lot, I saw that he had a trail of toilet paper coming out of his pants.  Dilemma I tell him about it and risk embarrassing him, or let him go on for hours at work with a piece of toilet paper dangling?  Surely no other person would be as brave as me and tell him.  So when I was close enough I gave a warm "Hello Chris!" and he proceeded to give me a big sweaty bear hug (first time for that).  I decided to go for it and said, "Hey Chris, you have some toilet paper hanging in the back..."  It took him no longer than a split second to catch my drift (not much delayed development in this category) and he was naturally embarrassed, grabbing at it.  I hurriedly added, "that's OK, it happens to all of us."  He then responded, "Not to me!"  I continued on into the store to avoid further embarrassing him,  wondering if I had done a good deed, or not.  I guess I'll never really know!"

So funny. Thankfully none of her children were with her.  Heather and I can remember dreading embarrassing moments like those. They are bound to happen!

1 comment:

Gillian said...

Ha! That sounds like something I would do. I believe I know Chris from shoppers. Thanks for sharing it put a smile on my face :)