Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Not really sure how much I want to blog these days. I'm trying to work on her baby albums whenever I get a free moment on the computer so that generally comes first. Plus Carmen is just too fun in real person for me to sit in front of a screen when we could be playing. She's five months old now and has a super happy, silly personality. I'm reading up on starting solids and what foods are best because I know that new phase is on the horizon. I don't want to start before 6 months, probably a little after that, but boy does she eye our food during meal times. Her little lips start smacking and her tongue starts moving and she follows the movements of the fork from the plate to the mouth. I have no doubts she'll do well and enjoy her new foods. 


mallory said...

She is so precious. You are the best mommy! She is so blessed. I thought of a book you might really like for starting solids. It's called "Super Baby Food". I have it and it is a very helpful resource and it provides very helpful guidelines for what to introduce at each month. It's not where I got my freakshow egg yolk and liver so it won't freak you out too much :)

Michelle said...

Beautiful girl!