Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Um, ok. Somehow I misread #4 in the post below. Not only did I misread it, but I retyped it and continued to proceed with my incorrect understanding. I was going to simply edit it, but then I figured it was so stupid of me that it deserved a proper correction. Let's try this again:

4. What would I choose as my last meal? Filet Mignon cooked by my dad, mac n' cheese, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potato casserole, green beans, red velvet cake, homemade donuts and a pineapple.

Definitely NOT left overs. Who am I?!


she said...

Haha! i was wondering about that one. i know some people REALLY love leftovers. thanks for playing!!

mallory said...

lol, I knew what you meant :) I am excited to do my post in response!