Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Bek

Last night Jon and Becky flew home from California for Christmas! Yesterday was also Bek's 25th birthday! They went straight from the airport to Jon's parents house for a family birthday dinner. She had no idea that they had invited her parents and Ash, Michael and me to surprise her for dessert! We all stood on the doorstep together and the Butterfields let Bek open the door first. It was so sweet! Tears and hugs all around! It was the first time that Ashleigh had seen baby Nathan!

We all gathered in their living room for nearly 3 hours just talking and passing the baby around. It was such a sweet time and we felt honored to be included in their family.

Nathan is 3 months old and weighs over 17 pounds. He loves to smile at his Aunt Manda, Aunt Ash and Aunt May. We were pretty ridiculous all squeezed together on the love seat cooing over little Nathan in our laps. Michael got to love on Nate too!

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