Sunday, February 15, 2009

I hope I'm at least losing weight from all this

I have gone for over a week now without tasting any food. It's awful. Couldn't taste the surprise Valentine's dinner of crab cakes, twice baked potatoes, broccoli salad and Keswick Viognier. Couldn't taste the breakfast casserole, cinnamon rolls and fresh fruit. And worst of all, I can't taste any chocolate! I can't remember what it is like to breathe through my nose. This sickness is pointless. Last night I decided it was time to go see the doctor. Hopefully I can get in tomorrow morning and get some antibiotics to heal me. I'm a little frustrated because I just don't understand why I have to pay to go see some man who may or may not give me medicine that works in hopes of fixing this infection - when all the while - I personally know the greatest Healer in the universe. It makes me wonder why we get sick with these types of colds and viruses and a simple prayer for healing won't wipe away it all. I don't doubt God and His power, it just makes me wonder why things are the way they are.


mallory said...

I'm with you sister! It just doesn't make any sense. It sure will be nice to be in heaven, no colds there!

Anonymous said...

May may,
I'm sorry you feel sick..Guess what I blogged! I promise I will do better and you will know every detail of my life! Blogging is really relaxing. I think this might become a nighttime addiction for me!