So I have no problem with loofah's (lufas? lufahs? loofa? gauze sponge?). In fact, I love them! They provide excellent exfoliation of the skin while providing a deep cleanse and moisture to the body. So as we are preparing for our summer trip, I thought that my husband should be pampered with as much spa treatment as I should. I bought him a gray loofa!
It was really hard to convince him to use it since all he ever knew was that I use a big pink one. He even tried to skip out on packing it?!?! Is there anything wrong with a man using a loofa? I think not! He'll never see another washcloth again...
It was really hard to convince him to use it since all he ever knew was that I use a big pink one. He even tried to skip out on packing it?!?! Is there anything wrong with a man using a loofa? I think not! He'll never see another washcloth again...
Jackson used to use a loofah and old spice body wash! He doesn't anymore but thats just because he says he's gotten used to a bar of soap now... I think they are fabulous and men should embrace them!
I (Jon) have used a loofah for YEARS. I have a slight problem with the name though, it sounds a bit too cute. Maybe they could call it a man sponge and make it black and have it smell like motor oil. Maybe a "monge." Or dude + loofah to make it a "doofah."
I'd like to know where you purchased the grey one. I love me a loofah.
Target offers a multitude of colors. This is where we purchased the gray. Love the tar-jaayy.
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