Friday, April 13, 2012

Catch Up

March came and went but so much happened in that gloriously warm month. Our Shnookums turned 6 months old! Here's a photo moments before she turned and snapped the tulips, flung backwards, hit her head on the table, got covered in smelly tulip water from the vase that was laying on top of her. Happy Half Birthday Carmen! 

 We have introduced Carmen to solid foods. She's not the biggest fan as was highly anticipated by my parents and their recount of me gobbling up as much food as I could possibly handle at 6 months. She prefers the finest puree possible, sauce pan heated temperatures and a very clean mouth.
We had a whole play day with Aunt Jenny. She makes Carmen smile.

Aunt Heather started her on the ice cold beverages (of course not.) and we celebrated Aunt Bri's birthday and St. Patrick's Day together!

Mommy had a birthday too! She got lots of Starbucks. That ice cream cake was from Cold Stone. Oh yes.

Michael started our patio! It's made a lot of progress since this sand and gravel pit, but boy oh boy do we have a mess on our hands. It's going to be gorgeous and so summery when he's done.
Carmen loved the change in weather and continued being the cutest baby girl on the block. (And by block, I mean world.)

And then our Shnookums turned 7 months old!? She loves loves loves her daddy.

And one more because her dress and face are so fabulous.
And we're back!

1 comment:

Heather and Matt said...

Fabulous she is! All around. Love this post and the new springy design! I cute adore my little niece. She's the cutest thing EVER!

ps - I promise I won't encourage her to partake in illegal activities before she is of age. Please let me babysit her sometime. Ok thanks.