Calling on all moms: What's your recommended baby detergent for laundry? I've seen some on super sale and thought about buying them but I want to know what real moms say first. I want something different than what I use on our clothes since I just use Tide and Woolite. Meyer's? Dreft? Baby Magic? Don't know yet if she'll have sensitive, prone to irritation skin or not. Anyone have any thoughts? Would love your feedback...don't want to take it to a facebook poll just yet.
I didn't use baby detergent I just use All Free. It is safe for babies and much less expensive. My daughters doctor recommended right after I had her.
I used dreft at first and I am currently using the kroger fake dreft brand. My mom bought both for me. I think I will switch to what Jason and I use when my bottle runs out.
I use Sam's brand. ha. Same as what we wash our clothes in. I figure if my little man has an issue, then I'll switch. Also - Baby OxyClean for diapers, but then again, I'm using cloth diapers. But, Baby OxyClean is da bomb! It will get ANY stain out. Good luck with your hunt!
I had to wash Campbell's clothes in baby detergent forever b/c she had such sensitive skin. I used Dreft then. Levi's skin is much less sensitive so he'd probably be fine with whatever. Now I use the All Free for all our clothes and just throw them all in together.
I personally think Dreft is a waste of money and far from the safest thing to put on your baby's skin. It is heavily fragranced which is the cause of most skin irritation. I used it with Parks before I did much research b/c I thought that's what you should use with a baby but now I use 7th generation free & clear on all of our clothes and Reese is doing great. Whether or not dreft breaks the child out in a rash or not, there are still lots of chemicals in it that I would rather avoid.
If you want mild and natural, I recommend Shaklee. If you want to try some, we can order it.
I started out by washing all of his clothes in a baby detergent and then 'tested' some with the family's detergent and he did fine. No reactions. Baby detergent is EXPENSIVE and so is doing laundry by itself just for the baby so you might want to explore a family solution once the little one arrives and seems compatible! :)
I use ALL brand detergent on all of our clothes, its dye and perfume free and this way i can wash all of our clothes together!
the above comment was really from Heather Francis not Andrew :-)
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