Thursday, June 30, 2011
Travis and Carolyn
Our good friends Travis and Carolyn Vernon had a fun shower for their baby girl a few weeks ago. We love it because they are moving closer to us and will have a baby girl just a few weeks before we do! Their sweet daughter, Sara, is so excited to have a baby sister. Can't wait to watch their family grow to 4!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Season of blessings
My first baby shower ever was so amazing. I keep thinking that it felt like my wedding day where I was so happy and the time just flew by too quickly. Having so many of our friends be there to support us and shower us with love was incredible. Mama Simmons, Ash, Heather, and Bek and Manda in spirit, you all threw a perfect party! I love you dearly! 

Friday, June 24, 2011
These frogs wear diapers
Thursday, June 23, 2011
I like Italians
Our friend, Maria, made these delicious Cake Pops and put them in this pink can with $20 in coins at the bottom. She told me it was an Italian tradition that family members start the new baby's savings off with $20 in coins. I love it. Carmen has $20 already. She's an honorary Italian. Thanks Battista!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
How cool are these?
Friday, June 17, 2011
28 Week pic
I made Michael re-take this picture a few times because every time I looked at it I thought, "No that's not actually what I look like. Try it again." Welp, this is what I look like. You've all been so kind to me and not told me how much water I seemed to be retaining. Oh well, I guess I'll get my cheeks back in September. She's worth it.
I cashed in on my mommy-to-be spa day yesterday! It was amazing! I've never had a massage before but I could certainly go for one again. It was so nice to have someone (a woman) rub my back and neck and legs where there was unknown soreness. She told me I had so much tightness all along my spinal chord and then a lot in my neck. I could have told you I have tightness in my neck. That's not from pregnancy, that's from carrying around 5lbs of hair. I know nothing different. I am so grateful to Michael for treating me to that yesterday. My nails look great too. I'm all ready for tomorrow!!!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
25 week ultrasound
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
She will have friends!
Our neighborhood is bursting with families and little ones! Our next door neighbors have a 5 month old daughter named Cadence , my hair stylists' bff lives a street over and has a little girl and a new baby on the way, and then I noticed a new sign in someone's yard welcoming home a new baby girl - Abigail! She's not even a month old so she will be much closer in age to Carmen. I need to meet all these people and make friendships with them. Stroller walks will help and the weather will be perfect for that once Baby C is here! I'm just super excited that she'll have playmates that are girls. Think of all the games and crafts and make-believe they can play together (the more friends to play house and barbies with her, the better. I'm still worn out from doing that not so long ago with my sissy). And the best part is that she'll have her Aunt Brianna who will be the best little role model and friend for her! So sweet.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Third Trimester
- Registered at our hospital.....check!
- Found Baby C's pediatrician.....check!
- Signed up for a birthing class.....check!
- Scheduled glucose screening test.....check!
- Having difficulty picking things up off the floor....check!
- Old women in stores give you advice.....check!
Getting really excited/nervous/stressed/anxious/happy.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Preggo Thoughts
You know what's fun? The thought of having a mini-me. She could very well look a lot like Michael and not favor me as much but I feel like you can always see some of mom in little girls. I'm a bridesmaid in a wedding this October and I am going to dress Carmen up to match the wedding colors. I just contacted someone yesterday to see if she could make the sparkly headband to go with her outfit. I think it's so fun to dress up little girls. I guess that's the side of me that never really grew out of playing house or barbies or paper dolls. The reality of getting to put cute clothes on this little one is slowly sinking in. Actually, given the fact that there are 88 days till my due date makes a lot of little realities sink in. Some are scary - like we don't have carseat - baby essential #1. I did finish reading Babywise yesterday, compliments of Marta, and loved it! Michael is now finishing it up and we plan on reviewing the basics together. Our personalities and goals seem to line up directly with what the authors write about baby routines. We shall see. I'll admit that I am probably more excited for baby showers than I was for bridal showers. My family friends are throwing us one June 18th and then my Jenny-Penny is throwing one on the 26th. I am so SO excited. And I keep going back to how thankful I am that she's actually here and not in heaven waiting anymore. That's what these showers mean to me. They are illustrating answered prayers and God's gracious blessings!
I'm transitioning into a more tired and hungry phase. Belly keeps growing it seems. Bending over to pick things up off the floor isn't comfortable any more. I'll be in the third trimester in a few days and doctor's appointments will pick up to every 2 weeks. It's almost the summer - and she's actually a summer baby - so we're entering into her season. I had another ultrasound last appointment and my doctor tried to get the 3D shot of her face but baby wiggled so much that it was blurry every time. I guess we'll just have to wait until birth to see your pretty face.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Charlottesville Visit
Saturday we spent the day in Charlottesville with Pat and Jenny. We went to CHS's graduation in the morning, stopped for some Spudnuts and Shenandoah Joes, party hopped allll day long, then ended the night with a Parachute concert. We had a ton of fun and still cannot believe that all our sweet friends are now college students!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Poplar Springs Inn
On Friday, Michael treated us to a night at The Poplar Springs Inn for our 4 year anniversary. We had such an enjoyable stay. The day was beautiful and we had the best dinner at The Manor House (where my sister got engaged!). We were at dinner from 7:15pm to 10pm, but had many courses and enjoyed talking to each other in our cozy booth. Dessert was so good that we even ordered round 2 of it. As embarrassing as that was, they gave it to us free of charge because they were pleased that we liked it so much! The stay was just what we needed after a very stressful day.
Our room
We took a walk before dinner and I got my fill of nature.

Michael also had flowers and chocolate covered strawberries waiting back in our room for us. He was so precious. He thought of everything!
Our stay was shortened by having to wake up at 6:15am on Saturday in order to make it to Charlottesville for a high school graduation. We were still served breakfast in bed which was delicious and the coffee was much appreciated. Thanks for a great celebration baby!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
4 Year Wedding Anniversary
June 2, 2011 - Our 4 Year Anniversary!
I love this date, I love the meaning and memory of it, I love this life and I love this man. Couldn't have asked for a better husband. I know he loves me, he makes me sure of it. I walk around with that confidence and peace. I am thrilled to live my life along side him and still think the best part of everyday is when we don't have to say goodbye to each other at night but instead get to cuddle together in bed and fall asleep.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Oh the memories
This time 4 years ago, the nails had been done, the checklist was complete and the rehearsal was about to begin....
So after our full bellies we turned on the Wii for some Michael Jackson dancing. I was in heaven. Can't get any better then good friends, tons of food and MJ music. Major props go out to Scott because he totally evolved into a great MJ dancer in his first round!
The soon-to-be-marrieds, dancing a duet to "The Way You Make Me Feel"
I wish I had gotten pictures of everyone dancing. Jenny, Pat, Joanna, Rebecca - "Thriller" was beautiful. You were all so great! But it was so fun and totally worth making everyone listen to the best of Michael Jackson!
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